Character Profile: Lexie Yanakakis
Age: 17
What I think happened before the Compound: A nuclear bomb went off and killed everyone. Duh! That's exactly what Dad told everyone...doesn't anyone listen!
My favorite person ever: Dad! OMG!!! He is the best.
Dear Diary...
Today I was practicing ballet (I used to attend a Performing Arts Academy back before the compound). Ballet is so awesome. It just lets me relax and be me; it lets me forget everything around me. Eli has never shown interest in my ballet, or me for that matter, but today I caught him watching me through the glass doors of the studio. I wouldn't admit it to his face, but I'm kinda worried about him. he seems really moody and suspicious. Maybe it's just a phase...
Also, something is happening and I not exactly sure what. Eli's acting really weird, Mom is all stressed out and I've never seen her so worried, and know Dad has cyanide poisoning. I'm really worried about him: his sanity and physical health. He is itching like crazy; it's driving me completely bonkers! And he won't tell us the code to get out of here. What if we can't get out?!?